Globalist Elites Pushing Their Bug-Eating Agenda in the Name of Saving the World From Climate Change (

As the human population increases, so does the demand for food. And to solve this, the World Economic Forum (WEF) wants everyone to eat bugs. Elites are also using news articles to push their thinly veiled propaganda, including pushing for synthetic meat, which is part of the same agenda. These articles were filed under climate change topics to coerce and shame the world into adopting an unnatural diet based on insects and synthetic food.

Really? Then what is this? 

A 2019 study found that consuming insects poses severe health risks to humans due to the transmission of parasitic diseases

In 2007, another study that focused on chitin (the natural structural component found in insect exoskeletons) found that it can cause allergic reactions in humans. Chitosan, a chemical compound made from chitin, was also shown to lead to the depletion of vitamins in the human bod

Another variation on the globalist depopulation scheme. This is the most extreme derangement that I’ve seen yet  

s there still doubt that we are living in the last days?



Posted by Allen

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