Manufacturing Consent" with Noam Chomsky, discussing the United States' involvement in Ukraine's 2014 coup

KanekoaTheGreat on Twitter: “You’re listening to Dr. Edward Herman, the late Emeritus Professor at Wharton, UPenn, and co-author of “Manufacturing Consent” with Noam Chomsky, discussing the United States’ involvement in Ukraine’s 2014 coup:”Russia was pushed up against the wall. My view is that actually… / Twitter”

You’re listening to Dr. Edward Herman, the late Emeritus Professor at Wharton, UPenn, and co-author of “Manufacturing Consent” with Noam Chomsky, discussing the United States’ involvement in Ukraine’s 2014 coup:”Russia was pushed up against the wall. My view is that actually…

Russia was pushed up against the wall. My view is that actually what’s happened in Ukraine made it imperative for Putin to make a move. If he hadn’t made a move, in this case, where a hostile government has been emplaced in Ukraine, with the definite aid of the West, and with NATO coming forward further into Ukraine. If Putin didn’t resist this, Russia was dead. I think he had no alternative.


Speaker of House

Written by Dana17

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