Notre Dame professor denies that the sign on her office door signals help for students seeking ABORTIONS (

A Notre Dame professor claims that reports about her offering to help students obtain abortions and contraceptives are false, leaving unanswered questions about a sign on her door that reportedly designates faculty who help students seeking to terminate a pregnancy.

The Irish Rover, an independent student newspaper at the Catholic University, reported Monday that sociology professor Tamara Kay advertised on her office door that she would offer “information on all healthcare issues and access — confidentially with care and compassion.” The private university is affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church, which is opposed to abortion. 

Also on the door of Kay’s office is the letter “J,” which, according to the Rover report, signifies faculty members who are willing to help students access Plan B, also known as the morning-after pill, and Plan C abortion pills. The latter induces abortions up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Plan B is a form of emergency contraception that comes in the form of two levonorgestrel pills, according to the Food and Drug Administration. It prevents ovulation by stopping the release of an egg from the ovary and might also stop fertilization by blocking the union of sperm and egg. 


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