Utilities may not be able to provide electricity to the all-electric homes (www.americanthinker.com)

California has mandated that all new homes built are to be all-electric, and starting in 2030, all new home appliances will be electric. I expect Washington will soon follow California’s lead of all-electric homes and appliances. In addition, Washington has mandated that fifty percent of new automobiles are to be electric. Sacramento and Washington Democrats possess the power to enact these mandates but cannot, with a pen stroke, rebuild America’s electrical grid.    

American families have met their energy needs for over a hundred years with electricity, gas, and gasoline. Now families are being forced to depend solely on electric utilities to turn on their lights, cook meals, heat their homes, and fuel their automobiles. That is a true dream for climate activists but a nightmare in today’s world of rolling blackouts.

What happens when a natural disaster destroys a region’s electrical infrastructure?  Restoring electricity to a community can take weeks to months. During this time, families will be left cold and hungry in a dark house and unable to drive to safety.

There is more to an all-electric home than just more electrical outlets. A typical twelve hundred sqft home with gas heat, stove, and water heater needs a 100-amp electrical service. That same home but with electric heat, stove, and water heater will need a 200-amp service. An electrical vehicle charging station (there are levels: one is too slow, two is just right for most drivers, and three is too much) A level two electrical-vehicle charging station will need an additional 50 to 100-amp, therefore a 200-to-300-amp service.


Vice President

Posted by Fed Up Canadian

RANK: Vice President

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